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Titanium 3Al-2.5V GRADE

These category of titanium tubes is light and very strong. Grade 9 is used in the Motorsport industry and aerospace hydraulic lines. The reduced weight allows facilitates quicker acceleration and deceleration in motorcycles. Our titanium tubes can withstand high temperatures during racing. Grade 9 is offered in cwsr and annealed condition.


These categories of titanium tube can withstand temperatures of above 500 degrees. The metals density is 4.54 g/cc³ offering excellent stability and mechanical strength. This grade of titanium tube manufactures jet engine compressors and airframes.

Grade 5 6AL4V

We can offer a Hot extrusion process to make a grade 5 hollow tube with the grade 5 alloy properties. This process alloys you to save time and money from the traditional boring of a solid grade 5 bar. This process includes short leadtime and minimal order.

Grade 1 CP-Ti

The unique qualities of grade 1 titanium tube include high resistance to corrosion; high ductility and it is soft. This grade of titanium is used in the medical field to manufacture tubes that need kink resistance and a high degree of flexibility.